What To Expect
Plan on arriving after 5:00pm on the first night of your Craft Retreat with SGM. You will be greeted by either Char or one of the SGM girls. We will give you a tour of the house and show you to your room, where you'll find a lovely welcome basket! Take your time, get settled, and then find your way to the gathering room.
We'll have a light snack laid out for you. Depending on when everyone arrives we will have a quick get to know you meeting and some tutorials and explanations on how to make your projects. Dinner will be served between 5:30-6:30ish. After dinner relax, work on a project, play cards, read a book, or take a walk.
The first morning: Wake up when you feel like it, we have no alarms at the retreat. Find your way out for a cup of coffee or tea...or join Char in a morning Dr.Pepper, lol. We'll have a light continental breakfast set out for the early risers and will serve brunch between 10:30-11ish. We have 3 projects ready to do throughout the day, craft at your leisure, and enjoy the scenery. Dinner is served between 5:30-6:30.
Second Day: Same schedule as the first day
Last day: Wake up, pack up and head home. We just need to be out of the house by 11ish so no real rush.... Make sure to hug and exchange any info with your new friends and have safe travels home!
Until we meet again....